Tents & Mallet Blankets

Real Polo Players prefer a shelter during periods & at half time and so most polo teams have a polo tent to work out of during the polo match. Polo tents can have a back and sides. Most tents use a ground cover or mallet blanket for the floor. Players have chairs and their polo equipment for easy access. This is where they put on their polo boots, polo knee guards, polo spurs, and lay out the polo mallets selected for the game. PoloGear™ in Wellington, Florida is known for making the best polo tents, polo mallet blankets, and polo ground covers for top polo teams, players and events worldwide. Tents are available in many sizes, for many budgets. They are lightweight, easy to put up and store. Ordering is quick and easy and delivery is remarkably quick. Custom designs are included. Call PoloGear team shop today 1-888-PLA-POLO or order on line.